Friday, August 17, 2012


I was really taken aback by the incident at Marikana Lonmin platinum mine in Rustenburg North West province in which 35 protesters lost their lives yesterday. The police opened fire and shot 35 people to death and left several injured. This is the management failure to take into account their worker's demands and communicate with them about measures to be taken in order to resolve the issues with staff members.This has claimed 35 people's lives, which should have been avoided if the management has taken their demands into account. This tragedy has never been experienced

(The police and the dead protesters
after the shot in Lonmin mine)
in South African mines industry. I am thinking about how the families who lost their loved ones going to survive. Some of them they were only depending to those who dead for their living. apparently, this will increase the poverty rates in our country. What are the management's plan after all? How are they going to win back their good repetition and image that they had before? Hence they failed to handle the matter with their workers, so what about convincing and changing the public's perception at large?

They are really facing a great challenge. I am asking myself so many questions as to who to blame after all? The management of the mine, the national police commissioner or the minister of police himself? However, I do rather attribute the blame to the management which failed to sort things out with their workers before  hand at the first place. President Jacob Zuma said he was "shocked and dismayed at this senseless violence". He is now on his way from (SADC) summit which was organised at Mozambique in order to avail himself to the media conference today in Marikana pertaining the tragic violence.


  1. I blame the management for not considering the worker's demand while still early, now innocent workers lost their lives due to negligence of their demands.For maralaka Lonlin mine to create good image they should give their workers increase to whipe away their tears.

  2. I blame the management and police. Management should have improved workers salaries and the police should control the use of violent weapons such as guns to discipline strikers, there should not have to be lives that are lost every time.

  3. Disaster and a bad reputation to their image and South Africa as a whole.Those workers deserve better salraries because they are doing a great job and the management is taking them for granted by paying them peanuts.
    We have to look the matter on both sides without any favour.When you strike you don't carry dangerous weapons and the police had no choice than to defend themselve through protest.

  4. Management lack communication with its employees, now someone must cover this bad publicity. The organisation will need a good plan to win its target auience, employees and media interest and trust.

  5. This was a big big communication broke down whereby police,workers (union) and the management did,eventually lead to dead of people the mine sector is still has ups and downs,I think the government need to take this as a refference to all the issues that take place on mine sector such as unhealthy,collapse of mines, salaries

  6. Yeah whts happened wont be reversed,so wht we need to do nw as a country is to look for solutions whch will help the country to avoid the very same disaster in future. Of cause we can say whatever we like,bt the bottom line is; gone are the people who was striking and those who survived the shoot are nw at jail..they are the victims,bt those who victimised them are free yet. This is really not fair.

  7. this is totally unacceptable, i blame both the management and the police, my condolences to the families who lost their bread winners due to this.

  8. i wont really blame the management because first the strike was not legal yes they should have listened to what they want to say but again the works and the unions should have taken the right ways to handle this issue i doubt this would have resulted to what happpened

  9. tsholo the strike could not be legal since the managament and its employee failed to reach concesors before the situation gets worse, remember the strike arise from the disagreement between the management and the workers meaning that the organisation will not allow the workers to strike. if they do not want the so-0called illegal strike they should have responded to the workers demand earliar before all this chaos take place.
