Friday, August 24, 2012


After all that happened last week in Marikana whereby 44 people lost their lives, I no longer see a need for workers' union. This is resulted by the unions failing to represent their workers not only in the mining sector but in all industries. When looking at Lonmin Tragedy it is quite clear that the worker's union are not doing as much as they are expected to represent their workers. The lost of 44 lives should be avoided if the worker's union engaged to remedy the situation with the mine management.
What is the role of workers' union after all? does their presence serve its members as they were supposed to? I think these unions should perish. I do not value its existence because workers themselves are doing what the union supposed to do on behalf of their members. So if the workers can represent themselves instead of their union, then what is the salient of having union? Those unions' leaders are just developing and enriching themselves than caring for their members. As a workers' union they should listen to their members and represent them before workers engage in violence protests. Why do they have to stand on management's side while their workers are protesting for the wage increase?
They should always stand for their members because they exist to serve them. The so-called illegal strike would not take place if the unions listen to its members and channel the communicated message to the management. Communication is a very useful and only way to resolve any issue. The public relations practioner or communication practitioners of both the organisation and the union should have predicted the results for the strike and advice the top management about what might happens-the consequences of the strike before-hand.


  1. i agree with you i also say the was no communication in the issue if the was the would have been such tragic loss, and i also believe the worker had a right to ask for an increase i many they risk their lives for the benefit of the company and not for themselves the deserve to have a decent payment

  2. Workers union is the platform of representing worker and without them things will be worth.Communication is the key and it showed they lacked it in the process before the strike went on..Hard workers deserve decent salaries.

  3. Workers union sometime helps when it comes to negotiating remunerations of worker and working hours. The problem with the Marikane trategy is that they never negotiated with anyone, they went on strike and unfortunately lives were lost.

  4. workers union is a need hey ,because other employers act as if they have the manipulation powers and exploitation powers so if you a member of a certain union u get to be spoken for by ur union , it gets to remind your employer about where both of you stand.

  5. there is a need for workers union i south africa otherwise they wont be treated equaly

  6. there is a need for the union to look after the interests of the poeple or workers.

  7. Yes guys i understand the need for workerz union bt then how do they represent their workerz determines the need for them. I also blame thm for the loss of lives in Marikana for failing to stand for their members. Once again, before the existence of these unions how did companies and their workerz communicate about salary increase?. There was a balance even though the union was not present.
