Friday, April 20, 2012


seven suspects who allegedly raped a 17 year old girl  at Soweto
 appear at Roodeport court

I was really surprised by the Soweto incident on Wednesday whereby seven man raped a seventeen old year girl who is mentally disturbed. This has shocked me a lot and left my self with many questions as to:
  • What our correctional service doing to serve our woman and child from the brutal man?
  • Is our police doing enough to protect the woman and child?
  • Does the suspects for various charges receive the charges they deserve?

It seems like our police is not doing enough to fight with crime and violence against woman and child .I think the correctional service should tighten the belts in order to be successfully combating crime and to protect woman and child from extreme violence. The suspects for the cases related to the woman and child violence must be given the charges they deserve accordingly.Something to be done to prevent such horrible incidents in future to our country . Our community elders need to teach children as to how are they expected to behave and to raise them with care.

 I believe that those boys who did that cruel are from the violated families where there are no peace as a result which prompted them to behave in such a way. Their parents are the one to be blamed for the bad behaviour of  their children. The businesses can play a major role by involving themselves in the CSI's programme through sponsoring the community soccer teams and youth centres whereby young people or youth at large will gather and be entertained. This will encourage them to stay away from their bad behaviour and behave themselves in a way that is expected of them as a young people to the community.


  1. this is totally unacceptable to our society, the police should try and get to the bottom of this and also find a solution to it.

  2. but there somethings that are just totally out of the police hands, i agree with the blog but i disagree with you there when you point fingers to the police, there job is to protect and bring jutice, how were they suppose to know that girl was going to be rape, they did their job and the rapist were arrested, so stop the finger pointing

  3. The family did not press charges that there is someone missing, so can you expect police to act, which strategy can be used to decrease RAPE

  4. The only thing that can help is for women and children to report any inccident so that they could be able to get help.

  5. gift it seems like our justice is not strict in handling such cases, i am not pointing fingers indeed, but what i'm saying is, our justice should strengthen their belt to prevent the occurance of the same incidents in future. they have to make it a point to every one that for any related crime to woman and children will be strictly dealt with, without favour to anyone. i think this can be helpfull to prevent future crime in our country.

  6. in terms of cases related to rape, there must be a serious charges that are given to the person who committed it. they should not be charged like someone who just steal a colgate in store but they must be charged accordingly.
