Thursday, April 26, 2012


Gwede Mantashe general
The recommendations announced to the print media yesterday by the Press Freedom Commission  and they have to embrace them. The commission has recommended an Independent Regulatory System comprising members of the public and the media which will regulate the print media on how do they frame, disclose and cover stories free from the government interventions.

Mantashe said that the report had taken everybody out of their comfort zone. This will give power to the print media to cover stories of their choice while keeping in mind the importance of government's secrets that must remain enclosed.However, this is helpful for the media to successfully deal with the corrupt government's departments and officials. The government's officials will now be in the eye of the public for every corruption they conduct at anytime. It will also be fruitful in ensuring that all departments of government work for the public and work to fulfil the promises they made to the public simply because the corruption will go down and for any attempts in corrupting the government's finance you will be catched up and your repetition will be distorted to the public.


  1. regulatory bodies are made up of people of different skills and background in terms of their profession. if all are in the same field. objectivity will be lost with time

  2. Free country with freedom of speech,the media writes what they see and letting the public know about the things that are happening in the country together with their government.

  3. So does this mean the ANC and media as a whole have reached common ground?

  4. Seth absolutely, they have come to arrive with the solution for the media coverage and the importance for protecting government's secrets.

  5. yhess vangani the public should not bee shuttered out when it comes to the current news and the corruptions that take place around them they must know what they need to know.
