Friday, September 21, 2012


There are romours spreading from ear to ear pertaining the coverage of the expelled youth league president Julias Malema by the public broadcast SABC. SABC spokes person Keizer Kganyago declared that the allegations were not true. I was bit surprised as to why should the public broadcaster give unbalanced reporting by not covering some stories which are on the public interest.  SABC journalists say they were instructed not to report about anything Malema says. This would threaten journalists to execute their job freely and exercise their rights to cover stories. In South Africa we have the freedom of expression and freedom of speech. It is highly likely that SABC might lose its listeners and viewers in a long run due to the exclusion of Malema. People would tend to listen to the commercial broadcasters chasing for what appeals to them. However, this was not true the management did not instruct any one not to give reporting about Malema, says Kganyago.

(Expelled ANCYL president Julias Malema)
Since the public hear what they want to hear and see what they want to see, it would be on their advantage to report about what interests the public in order to sustain their audience's loyalty. As a public broadcaster that is perceived as giving a balanced reporting we expect them to give us what we like to know. They would be perceived as incompetent for giving unfair and biased reporting, should they get influenced by some of the government officials who are against Malema.


  1. No one should deny him any publicity but he should also learn how to hold his horses, because now it will seem like he is looking for publicity.

  2. i agree with refilwe, he needs to control himself because no one is after him.

  3. of cause he needs to behave himself, but the media does not focus on personal behaviour but to the public interest. since the media serves people with their news of interest semulteneously selling and making the profit it is on their advantage to report on malema because he is popular.

  4. Everyone desreves it and the media do such things to keep connected with the public....Malema should learn how to speak proper in public not to just say whatever comes in mind.

  5. Malema will always make his way to the media because he does not want peace for this country or the present president. He needs to deal with whatever issue that he has with everyone so that he can be able to live a peaceful life without proving anything to anyone.

  6. Absolutely Moimane, the media is not against him but they report what interest the public. since we hear what we want to hear and see what we want to see, it will be on their advantage to focus their attention on the public interest without doing a favour to any who fights malema

  7. i dont really see a point behind that what is he really doing for us rather than taking on the President
