Friday, March 16, 2012


Ones again, the serial escapee Bongani Moyo tried his best to escape from Pretoria Central Prison. Moyo escaped a several times from the prison.
  • In march 2011: he ascaped from Boksburg prison
  • August 10: he walked out from the court in Pretoria magistrate.
  • February 2012: escaped from Pretoria central prison.
  • March 14 2012: Moyo escaped from Pretoria Central Prison with Sibanda and Dube.
The serial escapee Bongani moyo with the other escapees were brought before the Correctional Service Minister Mapisa nqakula during the press conference. Mapisa was asking Questions about their breakout and demanded moyo to answer them. Questioning him over how his mother would feel seeing his face in the newspapers and on television. The escape which has apparently led to the suspension of three warders, comes a month after guards raided the cells of the three in prison's maximum security. Moyo used a hacksaw blade and overpowered the guards to get out stabing one in the head.

The investigation was lauched to find out why the guard tower, which supposed to be occupied by armed warder was empty durind the inccident, why there were three guards looking after six prisoners and how the three got the saw blade. The ascape would not be possible without the interventions of the warders or any other staff. The suspeions will be enforced and jobs will be lost to any person or staff member who found involved to the escape, says Mapisa.

 Our country respect the human rights in a way that gives the prisoners a freedom and a chance to escape from the prison.The Correctional Service Commissoiner Tom Moyane denied thge allegations that the firearm was used by the warders during the inccident saying that the section they were held at, was escape-proof. The investigation will study the ascape carefully to see whether some of the guards, wardes or any staff members are involved to the escape.


  1. you will not understand why other people want to kill others.

  2. I think prisoners must be watched seriously, because this is unacceptable.

  3. i think there was an inside job, because the alligations says that there were people who had a plot and they wanted to kill Moyo. Last time i watched news, they said Moyo escaped because his life was in danger.
