Friday, March 30, 2012

South African Government is aiming at creating more jobs by 2015.  This was confirmed by the minister of finance Pravin Gordhan when delivering his speech for the financial year 2012. Gordan has allocated an additional 10.2-billion to the state various job creation.

The job creation is the complex challenge which need to be taken into account and to be addressed effectively before its get worse. When you take a look to the students at universities they are studying their different courses hoping to get the professional job at the completion of their studies. However, our government need to allocate ones more budget in 2013 to fight the issue of unemployment especially to the youth.

Through job creation whereby they aimed at creating more jobs within three years, including those of the graduates who have completed their studies but not getting the job that they have qualified for will encourage students to work hard in their studies because knowing that they will get a professional job when they completed their degree or diplomas. The youth need more information on how to develop themselves through creating and starting their own small businesses where they can be able to help our government in achieve its mission for creating more jobs within three years. We can successfully create More jobs by working together, the government and the public or youth. the students are encouraged to choose their career wisely which are on the market and which they do love most in order for them to excell during their academic years and get the professional job at the end of the day.

Friday, March 23, 2012



Human rights day to be celebrated accross the country
The Human Rights Day was well celebrated in kliptown Walter Sisulu Square, although there were certain people of Sharpevill who were protesting for the event to be held in their area in Sharpevill. Claiming that the human rights day is not for the whole country but for the people of sharpvill where 69 people lost their lives  after the police shooting in 1960 during the apartheid era. This is completely wrong, this special day is for the whole country for every South African.

They were burnning tyres to demostrate their emotions about the event.  President Jacob Zuma said, that they had never made any promise to the sharpvill residents that the human rights day will only be held in sharpvill for ever. This happen after when the celebration event was decided to take place in Kliptown walter Sisulu Square rather than taking place in Sharpevill. The residents of Sharpevill protested against the change of the event.Because this is the special day for every South African, so it will be celebrated in different places across the country. people need to understand the importance of the human rights day.It should be held in different places accross the country in order to make the public well aware of what is the purpose of the that day.

Friday, March 16, 2012


Ones again, the serial escapee Bongani Moyo tried his best to escape from Pretoria Central Prison. Moyo escaped a several times from the prison.
  • In march 2011: he ascaped from Boksburg prison
  • August 10: he walked out from the court in Pretoria magistrate.
  • February 2012: escaped from Pretoria central prison.
  • March 14 2012: Moyo escaped from Pretoria Central Prison with Sibanda and Dube.
The serial escapee Bongani moyo with the other escapees were brought before the Correctional Service Minister Mapisa nqakula during the press conference. Mapisa was asking Questions about their breakout and demanded moyo to answer them. Questioning him over how his mother would feel seeing his face in the newspapers and on television. The escape which has apparently led to the suspension of three warders, comes a month after guards raided the cells of the three in prison's maximum security. Moyo used a hacksaw blade and overpowered the guards to get out stabing one in the head.

The investigation was lauched to find out why the guard tower, which supposed to be occupied by armed warder was empty durind the inccident, why there were three guards looking after six prisoners and how the three got the saw blade. The ascape would not be possible without the interventions of the warders or any other staff. The suspeions will be enforced and jobs will be lost to any person or staff member who found involved to the escape, says Mapisa.

 Our country respect the human rights in a way that gives the prisoners a freedom and a chance to escape from the prison.The Correctional Service Commissoiner Tom Moyane denied thge allegations that the firearm was used by the warders during the inccident saying that the section they were held at, was escape-proof. The investigation will study the ascape carefully to see whether some of the guards, wardes or any staff members are involved to the escape.

Friday, March 9, 2012

The whole country was on the COSATU strike on wednesday for labours brokers and the e-tolling in Gauteng freeways
The Congress of the South African Trade Unions (cosatu) strike which took place on wednesday across the country was fully supported by its members. There were 32 marches across the country. Downtown Johannesburg was all red, Thousands of unionised workers gathered from down. they were marching to the Labour Department, the premier office and the chamber of mine to submit their memorandum of complaints. They demanded a totally burn of the labours borokers and e-tolls in Gauteng freeways. A number of youth protested against that issues because this is the serious issue which needs all South Africans to stand up and raise their voices.

 Government on its turn blamed the Cosatu strike in terms of the econony. Experts in economics says the country is currently experiencing a great loss in the economy as businesses were not operating normaly on wednesday because of the strike. The ANCYL expelled president, Julias Malema also appeard in the strike. "this march can never be anti ANC and anti government, it's a march which demand that our government should concentrate on implementing the resolution of Polokwane", says Malema. In Durban the South African Communist Party (SACP) leadership led the march which was attended of about 30000 people. "Labour brokers have no place in a democracy,they don't work, other people do the work and they just take the money that's tantamount to selling human beings",says the SACP general secretary, Blade Nzimande.

In Limpopo members of cosatu also gathered outside the SABC. They later march to the premier office Cansell Mathale. They were also calling for the Premier to step down with his officers, saying they do not know how to lead their province as this resulted to the took over of some departments by the national government. Cosatu says, further actions to be taken should the government fails to address and responds to their demands within 14 days.