Tuesday, June 30, 2015


I was thinking about how people blame South Africans for unemployment and attributing it to the laziness. It has become one of the excuses that government officials, and most business people use in response to the questions pertaining unemployment in South Africa. A question which asks, why do high profile South Africans mostly hire people from other countries? The answer that usually comes up is; South African are lazy.

I think South Africans are not lazy but they know what  they deserve. If someone could live with salary of less than R1,500 a month, then why do we still have high unemployment rate? Others say it is because of the currencies where these fellow Africans come from i.e, A person from Mozambique, Malawi and other African countries can work for less than R50,00 a day and accumulate R5,000 after 12 months then they will have more than 5 times their savings when they return to their home countries.

Then, take for instance, you work for hundred rand a day and you spend R800 for rent, R800 for grocery and R500 for transport then how much will you left with? Absolutely nothing. This is the major course of unemployment in South Africa. People cannot afford to work for peanuts. Political parties always entertain unemployment and job creation and they sing it everyday. However, they keep on singing the very same song again and again without actually converting their words into action.  They over promise and less deliver if ever delivered, yet they expect people to believe their mission statements. Unless our government can deliver more than they promise, unemployment will always be an issue in South Africa.

The national minimum wage should be implemented and reinforced across all industries, whether agriculture or non-agriculture, domestic or professional work. This can become a solution of all time in South Africa to balance the gap between a higher class and the lower class, (rich and poor). If someone cannot live the whole month with a grocery of R1,500, then why do we have to expect other people to live a normal life with a salary of R1,300 a month? Think about it. Rich people spend plus or minus R7,000 for a dog's food but they cannot even increase your R1,300 salary by at least 10%. You pay a monthly installment of R5,000-R11,000 for your car but you confidently pay your house-keeper R1,800 I mean someone who have a family responsibilities, a bread winner who have to look up to 6 family members. Give it some thoughts!

Education gives knowledge and of course, prepares one for the job market. However, graduates still find it difficult to land their dream jobs or at least a decent job. An educated person can hardly work for peanuts and of course, they remain unemployed. South Africa is in the top 20 of the world countries with high unemployment rate. Wonder what might be the course since South Africa is the most developed country in the African continent but when it comes to the unemployment is at the top of the list.

South Africa needs more than just a formal education but an innovative and creative minded graduates who can practically tackle the issue of unemployment and create jobs through starting new businesses rather than waiting for the government to provide jobs. There are people with degrees without jobs, I mean university degrees, thus, getting a university degree does not guarantee one to automatically get a professional job. However, getting education allows one to think outside the box and come up with innovative ideas that can change their lives, our country and the world at large.

Business minded people know where and when to start a business.We tend to neglect fast-paced businesses because there's already someone or lot of people on it. We should take into account that the more people flood into a certain business, the more bigger and potentials for growth the business is. Remember the law of supply and demand? The higher on demand the higher on supply. Do not hesitate to take a risk, however, a calculated one whenever you see an opportunity, that is how ground breakers do. Seize every opportunity that seems to have potentials for growth, embrace it with two hands and never let go until it eventuate success. Let us, once and for all, rely on ourselves for our own development and success. Relying on government to create job opportunities might take forever dude, create opportunities yourself!

Tuesday, May 5, 2015


From west Africa to South Africa, the entire continent is bleeding. Our beloved brothers and sisters are cruelly killed. The pride we had for so long of being a South African has faded.We have been seeing this since in the beginning of time whereby our grand parents were treated the same way by the apartheid government and it is now continuing taking place among black Africans. Where in the history of all time did we hear about white people doing the unthinkable, brutally killing each other?

We can't tolerate such barbaric and satanic behaviour in our continent. Why do not we say NO to such demons which have become tendencies to the South Africans. I devoutly hope there are people and lot of them who are actually against this behaviour pattern yet they do nothing to protect our fellow Africans. We are all Africans and of course this means that we are all the same as human beings. Let us not allow the boundaries of our countries' instill the cruelty and steal our conscience and humanity. Let us not allow the frustration we have be the defending reason to the criminals. Let us not attribute the blame for our personal failure to those who are not South Africans.

We have a moronic thinking that our frustration would be resolved should those who are not South African by birth return to their countries of birth. That is just a dumb thinking. USA has almost half of population as foreigners and this includes South Africans who are there for various reasons and some as their home away from home but Americans never treat them the same way we do in South Africa. Why? because they do not attribute their failures to other people but they look for solutions to their problems instead. Would you bear the violence should you or one of your family or friends be treated like we do to our fellow Africans? Would you feel just okay to see your mom, dad, brother or sister dies burning burnt by other human being? You would definitely feel heart-broken. 

Just imagine if you were one of those Not-foreigners but Africans and you were being treated like we do to them and try to think and feel the pain. We need to stand together and Say-No-To-Xenophobia. Criminals are opportunistic they seize every opportunity that comes their way to loot, mug, rape and to kill innocent people for what they have worked hard for. Together we Say No To Xenophobia.