Friday, May 4, 2012


E-tolling Project: Freeway N3
From the day that Congress of the South African Trade Unions (COSATU) protested against the E-tolling project which was meant to start working on Monday 1 May 2012 COSATU has shown its power and the role it is playing in serving our country as a whole. Almost every one in the country supports COSATU to help end the E-tolling project in Gauteng highways. The project which was meant to start working on Monday has not successfully started as COSATU disagreed with the formation of that project. However, the pending questions here are:

  • How does the government going to regain the money that was spent in renewing and renovating Gauteng roads?
  • Is the project going to an end after a certain period, or when they have recovered from their spent amount?
  • Is the South African earning enough to pay for that project?
The government was aiming to use the E-tolling project in order to regain the money that was spent in the renovation of the Gauteng roads. The project will take forever even though they have recovered from their expenditure. The public is not earning enough  money to pay for the project. I think the monthly payments or earnings for the majority of South African cannot be able to pay for the project, hence to resolve this issue the monthly earnings must be increased so that they will not have any problem with the payment for that project. COSATU is playing a major role in order to help end the project before it begins to operate. I think our government should listen to the public and take into account the importance of the public opinion on this issue. The Congress of the South African Trade Union have a good reputation, image and perception to the public. They have achieved this by being honest and working hard for its members for many years.